
Monday, January 28, 2013

Corn with Black eyed pea Salad

I'm not kind of a salad person but occasionally I love indulging in them. The one reason I go for them is they make you feel full & helps you in diet. So whenever I want to go on a crazy diet I make one of this for myself & enjoy it to the fullest. 
Today I'm sharing a refreshing salad for upcoming hot summers.This salad is packed with protein, carbs & also goodness of the greens. 

1 Cup cooked black eyed beans
1/2 Cup uncooked sweet corn
1/2 Cup finely chopped brussel sprouts
1/2 Cup diced scallions
Few pomegranate arils to sprinkle on top
For Dressing 
1 Tbs lemon juice
1 Tsp freshly grounded black pepper
Salt (Adjust acc. to your taste)

In a large bowl add black eyed peas, sweet corn & diced scallions.For blanched brussels follow the below instructions.
Blanched brussel sprouts:
Take a wide pan with full of water & a 1tsp of salt. Place it on a stove top & bring water to boil.
Mean while in a bowl take lots of Ice cubes & fill it with water. To that add 1 Tsp salt & dissolve it. 
Now add the chopped brussels to boiling water & cook them 4 to 5 mins. Mean while the sprouts change to brighter green & also will be perfectly cooked with out leaving their crispy texture. Strain them into a bowl & add them immediately to iced water. Now strain the iced water & add sprouts to salad. Mix them well. 

In a small bowl mix lemon juice, pepper powder & salt. Mix it well till salt gets disolved. Now mix dressing with salad & sprinkle few pomegranate arils on top. 

Serve it right away & enjoy.