
Monday, March 25, 2013

Oats & Peanuts Ladoo

This month for "Something Sweet" I have invited " Divya Pramil of You Too Can Cook " to share a wonderful recipe with all of us.In my words her space is filled with yummy recipes & beautiful pictures. Do take some time & visit her space here.
In Her words
When Sreevalli, asked me to do a for a guest post I was not able to send her one immediately, but she was kind and patient enough and gave me enough time to send her a post. Though I was ready with the recipe, I had my special post (300th post) coming up so I had to delay this guest post, which when I explained to her, she kindly understood and obliged. (Thank you so much Sreevalli). I came to know about Sreevalli and her blog recently, the best thing that caught my attention immediately was her brilliant and clean blog design and clicks, needless to say she has good collection of recipes too with drool-worthy pictures that will push you to try some. 

As per her request I made a simple delectable sweet with oats and peanuts, that is both healthy and delicious. Its so easy to make and way more healthier than ghee sweets. Moreover it keeps well for more than a week or even 10 days, in normal room temperature. The cardamom pods added gives the ladoos a very appetizing aroma and flavor, whereas peanuts and oats combines together to make a delicious combo. These ladoos have a powdery texture and melts in your mouth as you bite, you will definitely enjoy relishing the flavors in it. You need a very few minutes to make these and they make a very delightful and sweet evening snack. If you are conscious about the calories that sugar can give you can try replacing with jaggery or palm jaggery. So now lets move on to the recipe. Hope you like it. Thanks again Sreevalli for the opportunity..!!

Makes 6 small ladoos 
Total Preparation Time - 15 to 20 minutes

  1. Oats - 1 cup (50 grams)
  2. Peanuts / Groundnuts - 1/2 cup (50 grams; roasted & skinned)
  3. Sugar - 1/2 cup (5 spoons / 50 grams)
  4. Cardamom pods - 2 
  5. Milk - 2 to 3 spoons or as required


  • Dry roast (i.e. roast in pan without oil or fat) peanuts and oats together in a medium flame for about 3 to 4 minutes. 
  • When done remove from flame and set aside until it reaches a bearable temperature. 
  • Now add this roasted oats peanut mixture and sugar into a blender and grind into a fine powder. 
  • Then remove from the jar and empty it on a plate. Sprinkle milk little by little and simultaneously rub the mixture well using your hands. Do this until you can press some flour well into a firm ball that does not fall apart. 
  • Then take some amount of the flour and make balls by pressing firmly. 
  • Serve or store in airtight boxes. Keeps well for 7 to 10 days when stored in an airtight container. 
TIP 1: You can try the same ladoos without peanuts. 

TIP 2: You can add some ghee and make the ladoos if you want it to be more rich. 

TIP 3: Instead of sugar you can use palm jaggery also, it will be more healthy. 

Healthy and tasty ladoos are now ready!! You will love the flavors for sure!!

I love to thank Divya Pramil for sending this delicious recipe to my guest post. 


  1. Thanks dear for inviting me to be your guest :) Enjoyed making the post for you, you have organised the post so well too.. Thanks again for the opportunity :)

  2. very nice recipe n very good post.. kudos to both of u dearies...

  3. Ladoos looks superb and so are your clicks :)

  4. lovely guest post healthy low calorie dessert.perfect ladoo.

  5. lovely guest post... came through divya's page, really happy about having found you... following u now... :)

  6. yummy and healthy ladoos. Happy to follow your blog,i will be happy if you visit mine too.

  7. Oats & peanuts makes an interesting combo together,laddoos looks cute,very attractive and seriously addictive.

    Wonderful guest post by Divya,she always rock with her beautiful clicks.Kudos to both of u.

  8. Hey glad to visit ur blog....first time here nice new follower

  9. wow lovely post..came from Divya's too have a lovely space..happy to follow you

  10. Wow Lovely Guest Post.. Came from Divya's space.. You have a good space.. Happy to Follow you

  11. Lovely Post. Ladoos looks so delicious and healthy..Beautiful clicks too :)

  12. Love your blog! I'm happy to follow you, you can visit my blog when you find time :)

  13. Thank you for all your lovely comments..

  14. These ladoos are very healthy and my favorite too.. I'm a new blogger... Do visit my blog...

  15. I love this recipe. it is so simple and healthy. I will be trying it out soon!

  16. Hi ! You have a nice blog with wonderful posts and clicks. I have just started following you and it would be very encouraging if you may follow me back.

  17. Wow! Nice recipe oats is something different. Thanks. Great post. Clickfoodsnearme.

  18. Hi,

    best post

    and blog


  19. Healthy and look so nice yummy laddoos!!!

  20. Do we have to grind jaggery raw with peanuts.
